At Autumn Aged Care Nursing take oral care very seriously.
Older people’s mouths are prone to oral disease therefore in Autumn Aged Care residential homes, we find those with natural teeth are more likely to have advanced gum disease. These diseases may include gingivitis or periodontitis. Oral health care for older people is often further complicated by their past dental history which may include past procedures. These procedures usually include crowns and bridge work, partial dentures and implants.
We know that oral health is linked to general health and as a result we find that oral conditions involving teeth, gums and dentures can significantly affect overall well-being. Managing oral care well is required to ensure residents maintain good health. Hence at Autumn Aged Care, we are extremely proactive in the diagnosis of these conditions.
A registered nurse takes accountability in overseeing the oral care program in the home ensuring best practice, education and training and clinical dental care needs are met. A visiting dental service provide dental treatment on site for residents in a mobile chair. Regular auditing and inspection of residential oral and dental status is completed.
Care staff follow a planned schedule for toothbrush and equipment replacement