Autumnaged Care
Autumnaged Care


Autumnaged Care


Aged Care

When A Loved One Goes Into Care: Addressing The Whole Family

It is very difficult to predict what or how we will be feeling when the hard decisions in life have to be made. Not until many of us are in the situation, of having to discuss and plan the possibility or necessity of putting our senior parents in full time care, does the scope hit us. Countless adult children have spoken of the significantly emotional journey of figuring out what is best for their parents and themselves. You are not alone in this struggle. Peter Silin is a geriatric social worker who has been working in this field and has …

Aged Care

To Be Heard And Understood: Pastoral Care At Autumn Aged Care

Marilyn works at Clovelly Cottage, one of our residences at Autumn Aged Care. Her role is difficult to convey in words since it stretches, leaps and dances across many areas of care. In short, Marilyn works as a pastoral carer. To describe her day to day would be doing a disservice to the impact that her work has on the residents at Clovelly Cottage. Essentially, Marilyn comes alongside the residents and their families as they transition into care and continues working with them through their time here. She listens, supports, cares, encourages, soothes and a host of other vital work …

Memory Support

Virtual Reality and Seniors, New Opportunities For All

Many of us wouldn’t put progressive technology and the elderly together. Certainly not virtual reality and seniors. Rarely in any of the advertisements for the latest smartphone or software will a senior person be featured. While the perception of seniors, dementia and being a part of the technology dialogue may be slowly changing, some brands are rearing ahead in their attempt to partner their technology with the needs and opportunities of our seniors. Samsung did just that and it highlights the misnomer that those of us a little older can’t enjoy and make use of cutting-edge technology. A team from …

Aged Care

A Polished Tale: How Carol Serves At Autumn Aged Care

Carol is a cleaner at Autumn Aged Care an aged care near me. She makes more than just countertops sparkle. For as long as she has been working at Autumn Aged Care she has served with a diligence and sincerity that has been and continues to be cherished by many of our residents. We asked Carol what her favourite aspect of working at Autumn Aged Care is and she quite simply stated, the residence and those who live there. Sometimes the most precious things can be said in the simplest way. Without needing to write a paragraph outlining the nuances, …

Aged Care team

Leading With Heart: An Interview With Ross Ferris

In aged care, where many of Australia’s most vulnerable residents go to find help, rest and care, the quality and calibre of leadership are all the more important. The CEO of Autumn Aged Care, Ross Ferris, talks about his journey in aged care and what’s important. Doing a Masters of Business Administration at Melbourne Business School, Ross hadn’t exactly figured out what he wanted to do afterwards. He knew that it was vital to operate and pour out his talents in an industry that was more personally connected. Looking around at the sectors at the time he surmised that the …

Aged Care

Caring For Ageing Parents And How To Approach It Well

As our parents age new dynamics can start to play out in families that can take some time and thought to manage. Many opinions will likely start to arise from every quarter and tensions can start to put pressures on family relationships. Firstly, know that figuring out how and who is going to look after your parents as their needs grow is a tricky process to navigate. No family has ever done it perfectly or can hope to do it perfectly. Here are some suggestions on how to approach this time of life and ways to manage needs and expectations …

Aged Care

Seniors Need Community And We Can All Help

Many of us know that aging can be a difficult journey. Our joints and back and whole body seem to be always on strike! We try to keep going though, with the right help and rest. Yet there is another challenge facing our seniors that isn’t spoken of very often. Loneliness is an epidemic that is posing a serious problem for many across Australia. Experts are saying that due to cultural norms, aging logistics and isolation, more and more seniors are living lives without consistent and healthy interaction with others. Isolation Is Serious In order to understand the gravity of …

Aged Care

What Seniors Want Us To Know

Keeping the conversation open is a consistently important factor in addressing concerns of neglect or abuse in any vulnerable group. Many elderly in our society are quickly forgotten since they fall outside the tunnel vision many of us have, when, understandably, we are just trying to make ends meet. Yet in our duty to seek out the best for our seniors we can go no better than asking what seniors want us to know. The International Journal Of Aging and Human Development published a recent study that asked seniors about their ageing experience and what ageing meant to them personally …

Aged Care

Cary’s Story: Caring With Heart

This is a special profile on one of our most beloved carers. We hope you enjoy Cary’s Story: Caring With Heart Cary works with us at Autumn Aged Care and quite simply, he is an absolute treasure. With a ready smile and joke to boot, he has made and continues to make an incredible difference in the lives of our residents and staff. In order to facilitate the best quality of care with integrity, innovation and authenticity, we want to shine a light on those doing life right alongside our residents. We want to honour and thank staff we have seen …

dementia care

Elder Abuse Recognition

The issues in our society that are particularly grievous are the ones that many don’t believe are occurring or can’t see. Elder abuse falls squarely into this category. Ageism and inequality is huge issue across the world but it is rarely acknowledge or identified. A move in the right direction was the commencement of Elder Abuse Awareness day which is commemorated every year on the 15th of June. Yet following a petition by the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA) to the United Nations, it took five years for the day to be officially recognised. While elder …

Considering aged care for yourself or a loved one? We’re here to help.

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